Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Dear Adam,
I am so happy and excited over the progress you have made in your rehabilitation. The recovery that you have made has the hands of God all over it.
My small group is studying Experiencing God, by Henry Blackaby. In his book, Blackaby writes, “We come to know God as we experience Him in and around our lives.” Since May 17th of last year, I have experienced God in ways that I never have before.
I was riding WES, the commuter train that runs between Wilsonville and Beaverton, on Monday, the 17th of May, two days after your accident. God spoke to me on that train ride. Through the Holy Spirit, He instructed me to organize a day of fasting and prayer for your healing. Many people united in prayer three days later on Thursday, May 20th.
I thought the day of fasting and prayer was a one-day event. I had no idea that would become a weekly event over the following 11 months. I know that others would agree when I say that praying for you has deepened my relationship with God.
It sounds so selfish to say that because you have suffered, others have been enriched. It makes me cringe to even write the words. Yet, I want you to know that your long road to recovery has served Kingdom purposes. God has used you to reach others.
Words cannot express what has happened to my faith life since May of last year. Just know that, like others, God has blessed me with His presence. Of course, He has also blessed us with answers to prayers for your healing, which has far exceeded that expectations of doctors in North Carolina.
Personally, I spend more time in prayer. I routinely get down on my knees when I pray, something that I did not do before your accident. Fasting became a big part of my walk with God over the past year. Like the book mentioned near the start of this letter, I am increasingly experiencing God, rather than just believing in Him.
I know that you are entering a challenging phase of your recovery. As your brain continues healing, you are able to realize some of your limitations. That has to be so frustrating. Yet, I encourage you to give your frustration over to God. He has, and will continue to work a healing in you.
As you continue working toward a full recovery, know that God is in control.
Yes, God is in control. He is in control of your healing and recovery. Thankfully, He is, and I am not. With this truth in mind, I am going to discontinue this blog. However, I will continue to pray for you each day. I know that others will, too.
Adam, I am so sorry for all that Amy, Mackenize, and you have been through during the past year. One of my prayers is that you will understand the positive impact that you have had on so many lives, including mine, and that you will praise God for the work He is doing through you.
Praise be to God!
Love in Christ,
Uncle Doug Mortensen
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Evening: Thank you, Jesus!
Thank you, Hillary, for your posts, today. They definitely put me in the mode of gratefulness. I did not spend much time praying for Adam, today. More of my prayers were spent thanking God for the healing that He has already worked in Adam.
Psalm 30:4-5
Sing the praises of the LORD, you his faithful people;
praise his holy name.
For his anger lasts only a moment,
but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.
I have been in a "praising mood," today. Maybe you are not. In Hillary's mid-morning post, she included a song that I really like to play when I am not feeling so grateful. If you are in a difficult place, go back and listen to it.
Adam's progress over the past few weeks has simply left me in awe of God's healing power. After reading Amy's blog post, she seems to be in the same place.
Here I am with all I am
Raise my hands to worship You
I wanna say thank you, oh thank you
For everything, for who You are
You cover me, You touch my heart
I wanna say thank you
~Thank You, The Katinas
Just say, "Thank you!" to God, tonight. Thank Him for being with us. Thank Him for never letting go. Eleven months of healing, and God never let go.
Good night, and God bless!
Dinner: Lift Your Hands
I hope you have been able to set aside some time with us today to worship. If this is not the case (or even if it is), I encourage to review some of today's posts in an extended time of worship. I realize earlier that I mentioned there is no right way to worship God, except to come before Him in humility, acknowledging that He is Lord. While this is true, there are certain postures, if you will, that become a physical expression of your heart.
Whether it's dancing for joy, bowing on your knees in reverence, raising your arms in praise, or holding out your hands with palms up, ready to receive from the Lord, I challenge you to physically express worship tonight.
This first song is one of my favorites. The first line speaks of surrender, giving thanks, and trusting. Then, it goes on to say, "When I don't know what to do...." Are you in one of those places where you don't know what to do? Maybe you don't know what to do as you face a tough decision. Maybe it's that you don't have the words to say. Maybe you don't know how to act in a manner worthy of the Lord. Whatever it is, offer this song up as a prayer of surrender, thanks, and trust. And, as you do so, lift your hands...even if it feels strange and awkward at first.
Whether it's dancing for joy, bowing on your knees in reverence, raising your arms in praise, or holding out your hands with palms up, ready to receive from the Lord, I challenge you to physically express worship tonight.
This first song is one of my favorites. The first line speaks of surrender, giving thanks, and trusting. Then, it goes on to say, "When I don't know what to do...." Are you in one of those places where you don't know what to do? Maybe you don't know what to do as you face a tough decision. Maybe it's that you don't have the words to say. Maybe you don't know how to act in a manner worthy of the Lord. Whatever it is, offer this song up as a prayer of surrender, thanks, and trust. And, as you do so, lift your hands...even if it feels strange and awkward at first.
So I will bless you as long as I live;in your name I will lift up my hands.
Psalm 63:4
Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the LORD!
Psalm 134:2
Let my prayer be counted as incense before you,
and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!
Psalm 141:2
Psalm 63:4
Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the LORD!
Psalm 134:2
Let my prayer be counted as incense before you,
and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!
Psalm 141:2
Mid Afternoon: We Cannot Say Enough
No matter how many praises we sing or thanks we give, we could never say enough about our God.
I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Psalm 34:1
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Psalm 34:1
Lunch: A Jar Full of Thankful
Likely not coincidentally, my past two Wednesdays were very trying. (Often times we face trial, known as spiritual attack, when we are intentionally and boldly doing something in the name of the Lord.) These day have required some extra, set aside thanksgiving. Today, I encourage you to do the same thing. You may not have a jar of marbles (although I highly recommend it for the audible sound of thanks each clink provides), but take a handful of something --- paperclips, goldfish crackers, candies, etc. --- and one by one, hold the item, lift up a prayer of thanks to God for something specific in your life, and then set aside that item. Do this with each item until you have a set aside pile of "thankfuls." Here are a few reasons to give thanks, just to help you get started:
- You are alive and breathing today and in relative good health if you are reading this.
- For Adam's ongoing recovery and recordable progress!
- That Adam is showering and dressing himself.
- That Adam is answering questions loudly and clearly.
- That Amy was able to get surgery for her back.
- That Macknezie has already had a good start to school in Orlando.
- Our God is a living God.
- Shelter and food.
- For the life and renewal of spring.
- For a God who listens to our prayers.
- And the list goes on and on...
I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness
and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.
Psalm 7:17
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.
and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.
Psalm 7:17
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy
and I will give thanks to Him in song.
Psalm 28:7
You turned my wailing into dancing;
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing to you and not be silent.
O Lord my god, I will give you thanks forever.
Psalm 30:11-12
and I will give thanks to Him in song.
Psalm 28:7
You turned my wailing into dancing;
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing to you and not be silent.
O Lord my god, I will give you thanks forever.
Psalm 30:11-12
Mid Morning: In God's Hands
No matter what pain we are facing and what prayers we have that remain unanswered, no matter if our world is shaking, and our hearts are breaking, we do not leave God's hands.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18
Breakfast: How Great is Our God
by Hillary Mortensen
Good morning, and thank you for joining us for another day of prayer and fasting. It is such an encouragement to know that others join us to intercede on behalf of Adam and his family.
Wow, this week has been a crazy sort of week, hasn't it? Adam, Amy, and Mackenzie have just been settling into their new normal in Florida; many experienced the loss of a loved one this week; and we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord at Easter. Many have experienced disturbed schedules, grief, transition, feasting, celebrating, and more.
Well, the blog this week is also on a bit of a different schedule. With so much going on, there is a tendency to focus on ourselves and our immediate circumstances. Thus, we will take some moments out today to simply focus on the Lord, His character, and how He has provided for us out of His goodness.
This morning, let's start out with the song Amy mentioned singing with Adam yesterday, as described in her recent post. It focuses on the greatness of our God.
If you are able to, right where you are, sing along in praise. If you're not able to sing aloud, close your eyes, listen to the words, and make them your prayer of praise. There is no "right" way to worship but to humbly come before the Lord and proclaim His holiness and in this case, His greatness. Worship. Worship not because you necessarily feel like it, but because God is God and is worthy of all praise.
Good morning, and thank you for joining us for another day of prayer and fasting. It is such an encouragement to know that others join us to intercede on behalf of Adam and his family.
Wow, this week has been a crazy sort of week, hasn't it? Adam, Amy, and Mackenzie have just been settling into their new normal in Florida; many experienced the loss of a loved one this week; and we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord at Easter. Many have experienced disturbed schedules, grief, transition, feasting, celebrating, and more.
Well, the blog this week is also on a bit of a different schedule. With so much going on, there is a tendency to focus on ourselves and our immediate circumstances. Thus, we will take some moments out today to simply focus on the Lord, His character, and how He has provided for us out of His goodness.
This morning, let's start out with the song Amy mentioned singing with Adam yesterday, as described in her recent post. It focuses on the greatness of our God.
If you are able to, right where you are, sing along in praise. If you're not able to sing aloud, close your eyes, listen to the words, and make them your prayer of praise. There is no "right" way to worship but to humbly come before the Lord and proclaim His holiness and in this case, His greatness. Worship. Worship not because you necessarily feel like it, but because God is God and is worthy of all praise.
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise...
Psalm 45:1a
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;
worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.
Psalm 29:2
Psalm 45:1a
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;
worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.
Psalm 29:2
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Morning After: He is Risen!
He is risen, indeed!
Luke 24:1-8
On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ” Then they remembered his words.
Not much else matters, does it?
If you don't already have plans to, make plans to attend an Easter service this Sunday. If you live nearby, you are always welcome to join our family in Sherwood, Oregon. Send an email to and I will send time and address info.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Evening: Lover of My Soul
1 Peter 2:24-25
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
We have spent a lot time on holiness, today. At dinner time, I included a definition, and followed up with a comment that I simply cannot meet the standards of holiness. I am confident that you are right there with me. The good news is that we don't have to attempt holiness on our own.
Peter reminds us that Jesus died for us, that we might die to sin and live for righteousness (holiness). Because Jesus suffered and died for us, we have been healed. I am so grateful that I am under the care of the Overseer of my soul!
I will make these words part of my prayer, tonight:
I love you, I need you,
Though my world may fall, I’ll never let you go
My Savior, my closest friend,
I will worship you until the very end
~Jesus, Lover of My Soul, Hillsong
As we pray, this evening, let's spend some time meditating on the Easter story — time thinking about God's plan for our salvation. Let's thank Jesus for bearing our sins on the cross, that his wounds healed us all — including Adam. Our souls have been made whole!
Let's continue praying for Adam's full physical recovery. Let's pray that his healing would bring honor and glory to Jesus.
And, a special prayer for Pat Ashby (see post where I introduced her) and her family. I just received word that she may have less than two days to live. She wanted to make it to August in order to see her expected grandchild. It appears that the Lord has other plans.
We'll meet one last time, in the morning.
Dinner: Timeliness and Holiness
2 Peter:8-9, 11b-12
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance...
...You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.
There are two themes presented here. The first is about Gods' timing. Peter tells us that with the Lord, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. He goes on to say that the Lord is not slow in keeping promises, at least as we mortals understand slowness. It has been, and continues to be, my belief that many are praying for Adam's healing according to scripture...according to God's promise. One of these promises appears in the book of James.
James 5:15
And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.
I continue to believe that God is working a healing in Adam. Full recovery will happen according to God's schedule, not ours.
The second theme is one that has already shown up in prior posts — holiness (quite intentional as it is Holy Week). Peter reminds us that we ought to live holy lives. What does it mean to live a holy life? Let's take a look at a definition:
a. 1. Set apart to the service or worship of God; hallowed; sacred; reserved from profane or common use; holy vessels; a holy priesthood.
2. Spiritually whole or sound; of unimpaired innocence and virtue; free from sinful affections; pure in heart; godly; pious; irreproachable; guiltless; acceptable to God.
If I was unsure about the meaning of holiness, the dictionary has made it quite clear to me. My life is to be set apart to the service and worship of God. I am to be spiritually from sinful affections...pure in heart...acceptable to God. The bad news is that I cannot be all those things. The good news is that Jesus is. Jesus is our high priest. He alone makes us acceptable to God. Because Jesus is holy, he makes us holy.
As we pray, let's remember to ask:
• That Jesus would make us holy in the presence of God.
• That God would honor His promise in scripture — that He would honor our prayers in faith with Adam's healing, according to His timing.
• That God would help Adam adjust to his new environment in Orlando...the same for Amy and Mackenzie.
And, remember to give God thanks for the work that He has done in Adam, including the increasing volume in his voice (read Here I am Lord)!
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance...
...You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.
There are two themes presented here. The first is about Gods' timing. Peter tells us that with the Lord, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. He goes on to say that the Lord is not slow in keeping promises, at least as we mortals understand slowness. It has been, and continues to be, my belief that many are praying for Adam's healing according to scripture...according to God's promise. One of these promises appears in the book of James.
James 5:15
And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.
I continue to believe that God is working a healing in Adam. Full recovery will happen according to God's schedule, not ours.
The second theme is one that has already shown up in prior posts — holiness (quite intentional as it is Holy Week). Peter reminds us that we ought to live holy lives. What does it mean to live a holy life? Let's take a look at a definition:
a. 1. Set apart to the service or worship of God; hallowed; sacred; reserved from profane or common use; holy vessels; a holy priesthood.
2. Spiritually whole or sound; of unimpaired innocence and virtue; free from sinful affections; pure in heart; godly; pious; irreproachable; guiltless; acceptable to God.
If I was unsure about the meaning of holiness, the dictionary has made it quite clear to me. My life is to be set apart to the service and worship of God. I am to be spiritually from sinful affections...pure in heart...acceptable to God. The bad news is that I cannot be all those things. The good news is that Jesus is. Jesus is our high priest. He alone makes us acceptable to God. Because Jesus is holy, he makes us holy.
As we pray, let's remember to ask:
• That Jesus would make us holy in the presence of God.
• That God would honor His promise in scripture — that He would honor our prayers in faith with Adam's healing, according to His timing.
• That God would help Adam adjust to his new environment in Orlando...the same for Amy and Mackenzie.
And, remember to give God thanks for the work that He has done in Adam, including the increasing volume in his voice (read Here I am Lord)!
Mid Afternoon: His Love Endures Forever
by Hillary Mortensen
Last night, when celebrating with my first ever Passover Feast, I learned the tradition of ending the meal with Psalms 113-118. While I encourage you to read all of those psalms, I will note that in Psalm 118, we are repeatedly instructed to give thanks to the Lord. In fact, the psalm both begins and ends with, "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."
Take time to thank God for what is mentioned in Psalm 118:
Sing praise!
Let's meet again at dinnertime.
Last night, when celebrating with my first ever Passover Feast, I learned the tradition of ending the meal with Psalms 113-118. While I encourage you to read all of those psalms, I will note that in Psalm 118, we are repeatedly instructed to give thanks to the Lord. In fact, the psalm both begins and ends with, "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."
Take time to thank God for what is mentioned in Psalm 118:
- His love endures forever
- He sets us free
- He is with us
- He is our helper
- He is our refuge
- He is our strength and our song
- His right hand has done mighty things
- He has become our salvation
- The stone which the builders rejected, he has made the cornerstone (Jesus!)
- He has made his light shine upon us
Sing praise!
Let's meet again at dinnertime.
Lunch: Jesus, the Holy, Spotless Lamb
by Hillary Mortensen
John 1:29
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
Jesus is the Lamb of God. But what exactly does that mean? To truly understand this, we need to take a look back at the story of The Passover. (See Exodus 11-12:42.) Passover, which is observed and celebrated by Jews this week, is a time for remembering when God rescued his people, the Israelites, from the plague of the death of the firstborn by passing over their homes when the blood of a sacrificial lamb (without defect) was wiped on the door frame of their homes, just as the Lord had instructed. The people bowed down and worshiped God as they recognized that God saved them.
Later in Exodus, we see that again, for generations, a lamb was sacrificed at the temple both morning and evening to atone (make amends for) for the sins of the people.
Throughout the New Testament, when Jesus is referred to as a lamb, we see that he is the perfect, ultimate, spotless, holy lamb who sets us free from and atones for our sins. This is why we no longer need to sacrifice lambs to receive forgiveness of our sins and to enter into the presence of God. Consider how these passages about Jesus relate to the story of Passover:
1 Peter 1:18-21
For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.
Romans 6:22-23
But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 Corinthians 5:7
Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast--as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.
John 1:29
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
Jesus is the Lamb of God. But what exactly does that mean? To truly understand this, we need to take a look back at the story of The Passover. (See Exodus 11-12:42.) Passover, which is observed and celebrated by Jews this week, is a time for remembering when God rescued his people, the Israelites, from the plague of the death of the firstborn by passing over their homes when the blood of a sacrificial lamb (without defect) was wiped on the door frame of their homes, just as the Lord had instructed. The people bowed down and worshiped God as they recognized that God saved them.
Later in Exodus, we see that again, for generations, a lamb was sacrificed at the temple both morning and evening to atone (make amends for) for the sins of the people.
Throughout the New Testament, when Jesus is referred to as a lamb, we see that he is the perfect, ultimate, spotless, holy lamb who sets us free from and atones for our sins. This is why we no longer need to sacrifice lambs to receive forgiveness of our sins and to enter into the presence of God. Consider how these passages about Jesus relate to the story of Passover:
1 Peter 1:18-21
For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.
Romans 6:22-23
But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 Corinthians 5:7
Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast--as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.
- Thank God for saving us from sin and (spiritual) death
- Thank Jesus for pouring himself out as an offering for us
- Ask God to reveal your fears to you, which will indicate where you are placing your faith apart from Him
- Recognize our need and dependence on God, especially as we go through trials like Adam and his family are encountering
- Tell God he is holy (not because he doesn't know, but to serve as your reminder) and praise him for it
Mid Morning: Cry Out to Jesus
Joel 1:14
Declare a holy fast;
call a sacred assembly.
Summon the elders
and all who live in the land
to the house of the LORD your God,
and cry out to the LORD.
Cry out to Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit lead you in prayer.
Breakfast: Be Holy
Good morning! Welcome to our day of prayer and fasting. I pray that you will find time to set aside for prayer and meditation, today. It is Holy Week, so there will be an emphasis on preparing ourselves for the days ahead — Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter.
Leviticus 19: 1-2
The LORD said to Moses, “Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.
Two years ago, I was invited to join a small group of men to study The Pursuit of Holiness, by Jerry Bridges. My first thought was, "Holiness? That sounds kind of like something for pastors, great religious leaders, or at least somebody other than me!" I simply did not see myself as ever being holy.
To help confirm my thinking, the verse above was one of the first I read. It kind of confirmed to me that this entire holiness idea was an Old Testament teaching, superseded by Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. The book, and its roots in scripture, taught me otherwise. Consider these (New Testament) words from Paul to Hebrews:
Hebrews 12:14
Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. (emphasis added)
Sure, I read that verse before, but must have glossed over it. Reading Bridge's book, which repeatedly referred to passages like this one, changed my way of thinking to, "I want to be holy! I want to see the Lord!"
Of course, I am only human. It is impossible for me to be holy like God. Fortunately, Jesus atones for my sins, and with His forgiveness, makes me appear holy to God. Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross, and rising again to proclaim victory over satan.
My heart's one desire
Is to be holy
Set apart for You, Lord
~Refiner's Fire, Brian Doerksen
• If you are ready, tell God that you want to be holy
• Ask for the forgiveness of your sins
• Thank God for advancing Adam to a new level of care in Orlando
• Thank God for all of the miracles that He has performed in Adam's life over the past 11 months.
• Ask God to strengthen the family bond between Adam, Amy, and Mackenzie in their new environment
For Holy Week, we will revert to our "old schedule." There will be a mid-morning post that will include a verse and worship song.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Eve of Fasting: Better is One Day
Psalm 84:10
Better is one day in your courts
than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
Here we are on Tuesday evening of Holy Week. I look forward to celebrating Easter on Sunday. In preparation, I want to spend more time with God. Tomorrow, the middle of Holy Week, is a great opportunity to spend a day with God. It's only one day, but it is the first day of the rest of eternity.
Psalm 27:4
One thing I ask from the LORD,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple.
As we prepare our hearts for a joyous celebration on Sunday, let's spend time with God, tomorrow. Better one day in His courts than a thousand elsewhere.
This evening, pray that many would spend exta time with God, tomorrow, and througout this week as we prepare to celebrate Easter.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Special Invitation for Next Week
Join Us Next Wednesday!
For 11 months, a number of us have set aside Wednesdays as a special day of prayer for the recovery of Adam Root. Some of you have participated regularly; some on occasion. A few probably participated during the first week of Adam's recovery, and never returned. Regardless of which category you might find yourself, I invite you to join us on Wednesday, April 20th.
What's so special about the 20th? It falls in the middle of Holy Week, the days leading up to the celebration of Easter. It's also Adam's first week in Orlando, Florida. Let's turn out in big numbers to praise God, and to lift up Adam in prayer as he begins the next leg of his recovery. It's a great opportunity to honor Jesus during Holy Week, and to get Adam off to a great start in his new environment.
Prayer Request from Amy:
"This is a huge prayer request, that Adam will have no troubles with the going up or down the stairs (on the plane to Orlando) on Monday. Please pray for his safety as well."
(read entire blog post)
I pray that you will join us, beginning with an "Eve of Fasting" post on Tuesday, April 19th. Although encouraged, you don't have to fast to pray with us.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
No Posts: April 13th
My schedule does not afford me time to blog, this week.
I do encourage, you, however, to set aside time to pray for Adam, Amy, and Mackenzie on Wednesday. Of course, we should pray daily, but make it a point to set aside some extra time on Wednesday (I will be).
God willing, I will return to posting on April 20th, which is in the middle of Holy Week. There is no better time to fast and pray than the days leading up to Easter!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Morning After: Suffering is Only for a Little While
1 Peter 5:10-11
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Read Chapter 5 of 1 Peter
I like this verses. After we have suffered for a little while, we will be restored. Whether it be Adam, Pat Ashby, Brandon Burge, or quite possible, you, the suffering is for a little while. Then you will be restored. To God be the power!
Certainly, some suffer more, and others suffer longer. Yet for all, it is a short while when compared to an eternity of being restored. Thankfully, our God is a God of grace.
Be sure to pray for Amy as she heads into surgery tomorrow morning. Pray that God would guide the surgeons hands, that the surgery would be successful, and that Amy would heal quickly. She is facing a move to Florida in less than two weeks. Pray that Adam would get even stronger while Amy is away.
Have a blessed day.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Evening: Meet with Me
1 Peter 4:7b-10
Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
Read Chapter 4 of 1 Peter
There is a lot of instruction in a few verses — be self-controlled, pray, love each other, be hospitable (without grumbling!), serve others, and administer God's grace (faithfully). I am sure that I could attempt to follow only these instructions for the rest of my life and never reach the finish line! Thank God for His grace and mercy!
Of course, the "mission" of this group is to unite in prayer each Wednesday. That is one day a week in which some (many?) of us make an extra effort to follow one of Peter's instructions. I should strive for more. God is willing to meet with me everyday. I should be ready to stand and sing praises to Him everyday.
• That God would come and fill this place.
• That God would continue to strengthen Adam's walk
• For Amy and Adam's "to-do" list to dwindle down, quickly.
• That Amy would be calm as her surgery approaches.
• For Adam's full recovery.
We'll pray together one more time, in the morning. Good night.
Dinner: Common Cause
1 Peter 3:8-9
Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
Read Chapter 3 of 1 Peter
It isn't the American way, is it? Or, perhaps it isn't the way of any "civilized" society. Our culture does not teach us to be humble, yet it does teach us to "get even" if somebody wrongs us.
How difficult is it to repay evil with blessing? Extremely so. I need to pray about that one...a lot.
"The Holy Spirit knew what He was doing when He moved the Apostle Peter to write to the early Christian church about the reality of being “of one mind” in their fellowship.
Peter was not asking all the brothers and sisters to settle for some kind of regulated uniformity. He was recommending a spiritual unanimity—which means that the Spirit of God making Christ real within our beings will also give us a unity in certain qualities and disposition.
Peter leaves little doubt about the fruits of genuine Christian unanimity within: “Be alike in compassion. Be alike in loving. Be alike in pity. Be alike in courtesy. Be alike in forgiving!” Then he sums it all up: “Finally, be ye all of one mind!”
God’s love shed abroad in our hearts—compassion and love which can only be found in Jesus Christ—these are the only elements of true unity among men and women today!"
~A.W. Tozer
So there's a common bond between us
And the mission for me is a mission for you
We have a common cause to link us
~Strong Love, Newsboys
While praying...
• Pray for unity among all believers
• Pray for unity in the Root family
• Thank God that Adam is getting stronger and that his walking is improving
• For Amy's surgery on Friday morning.
We'll get together one more time this evening.
Lunch: Healing and Salvation
1 Peter 2:24
He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
Read Chapter 2 of 1 Peter
There are two kinds of healing: physical; and spiritual. Some interpret this verse as referring to physical healing, while others believe it to be a reference to spiritual healing. Personally, I believe it is a reference to spiritual healing. Spiritually, we are all sick. Jesus heals us. Amen!
As a result of being healed spiritually, I don't have to worry about my physical well being. Whether sick or healthy, injured or fit, I live with the confidence of my salvation.
With regard to Adam, I have every confidence that he has been spiritually healed, which is more important. We can all praise God for that. Whether he is (fully) physically healed is yet to be seen. Let's rejoice in Adam's spiritual healing and salvation...and keep praying for his physical healing.
1 Peter 1:9
for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
• That Adam's clarity and memory would improve.
• For Adam's ability to process information.
• For God to bring increasing volume to Adam's speech.
• That God would guide the hands of the surgeon operating on Amy's back.
We'll pray together, again, at dinner time.
Breakfast: Praise, Glory, and Honor
1 Peter 1:6-7
In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Read Chapter 1 of 1 Peter
We cannot know God's ways. He sees the world from a much different perspective than we do. The apostle Peter writes that we suffer grief so that the genuineness of our faith will result in praise, honor, and glory when Jesus Christ is revealed. God works everything to bring Himself glory. After all, He is God!
When I think of the grief that so many have endured over the past 10 months, I have confidence that the end result is to bring praise, glory, and honor to God. As I mentioned above, I do not know God's plans, I just know this outcome. I wonder, however, if maybe God is waiting for the right person or persons to praise Him.
This morning, as we pray, be sure to ask God for help in rejoicing despite Adam's long, painful, recovery process (and for other trials that you may be suffering). Ask that your faith will genuine, and that it will result in praise, honor, and glory when Jesus is revealed.
Praise God for the great progress that Adam has made in recent weeks. And, continue to pray for a smooth transition to Orlando.
When all God’s children sing out
Glory, glory, hallelujah
He reigns, He reigns
~He Reigns, Newboys
See you at lunch time.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Eve of Fasting: Looking for Hope
Matthew 16:18
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
Why am I quoting this verse, tonight? Last week, I read 1 Peter. Of all the authors of New Testament letters, Peter is the one that we seem to know the most about. There are various accounts of him interacting with Jesus, including some very "human moments," where he lacked faith. Despite all of his weaknesses, Jesus told him that He would build His church on Peter. Pretty heady stuff.
Anyway, if it was upon Peter that Jesus would build His church, then a letter from him should be very authoritative instruction. So much so, that tomorrow's posts will all be based on passages from this letter to believers in what is now Turkey. Peter wrote this letter to offer encouragement in the midst of their suffering. We all face trials, and many of us are probably in the midst of one, right now. We know that Amy, Mackenzie, Jack, Cookie, and the rest of Adam's family and close friends have been in a severe trial for the past 10 months.
Tomorrow (and Thursday morning), I will include a link to a chapter in the book of 1 Peter. I ask that you would take time to read the complete chapter (it will only take a few minutes) at the designated times (breakfast, lunch, dinner, evening, and the morning after).
Why a new format? Peter's letter instructs us that God can use challenging times to strengthen us. Knowing this can bring hope, and I believe that it is important for all of us to have hope. Taking a few minutes at four intervals throughout the day is a small commitment, when the reward is to receive hope in return.
In this trial that I'm going through
I don't question 'cause I know it's true
That the sorrow brings me back to You
And You have made me stronger
~40 Days, Third Day
Let's pray that God would make Adam, and his family, stronger.
We'll meet in the morning.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Evening: What are Your Circumstances?
Then Pray
James 5:13-16
Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
I love the book of James. And, these verses near the end are my favorite. The one clear message I receive is that we are to pray, regardless of our circumstances. And, note that verse 16 states that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. I have read this verse many times, and always focussed on the "powerful and effective" portion.
It struck me, this time around, that I was glossy over "righteous person." Not everybody's prayers will be powerful! Only those offered by righteous people! If you are like me, this shines a whole new light on prayer. More importantly, it shines a light on me that I may not want. Am I righteous enough to have my prayers be powerful and effective? Only with the blood of Jesus.
A Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, You are Lord above all lords, and Name above all names. We thank You for Your provisions, Lord. We thank You for Your grace and mercy. We thank You for Your forgiveness. We thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us.
Lord, we ask that You would forgive us of our sins. We ask that You would wash away our transgressions with the blood of Jesus. Make us holy in Your sight.
Lord, as forgiven sinners, we humbly bow before You and ask that You would continue the work that You have begun in Adam. Father, we ask that you completely restore Adam so that he can walk, talk, laugh, pray, and sing praises to You.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
Dinner: Ask
James 4:1-3
What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
I view these verses both as a challenge, and as valuable instructiion for how to live, and how to pray.
We fight and argue with each other, trying to get what we want. James tells us rather than trying to get what we want, on our own (and usually failing), we do not get because we do not ask. It's that simple? All we have to do is ask? There is a caveat. He also instructs us that we ask, but we do not receive, if our motives are wrong.
When are our motives wrong? When they are intent on satisflying our own pleasure. I don't beleive that God wants us to be miserable all the time. Yet, praying for a job promotion, simply so that one has more money to buy a bigger house, is probably not on God's list of priorities. It is doubtful that the bigger house will strengthen your relationship with Jesus. Most likely, it will interfere as larger posessions tend to require more of our time and increases worries, both of which interfere with our faith lives.
For those of you who are parents, you know that we do not give our children everything they want. Yet, we will do all we can to provide for their needs. An example of that is my daughter, Adrienne, and her husband Ken. Their son, Isaac, has type 1 diabetes and a large number of food allergies, some of which are quite severe. They have spent a lot of time, and a lot of money, caring for him. They have been relentless in their pursuit of treatments for him. Isaac could not ask for more loving, caring parents. They provide all that they can to satisfy his needs. Yet, if he asks for a Snickers bar, the answer will be 'no.' It would not be good for him. In addition to causing high blood sugar, it might cause a severe allergic reaction.
So, I ask myself, what am I asking God for that may be for the wrong motives? What am I asking for that is simply for personal convenience or comfort? What am I asking for that I simply want to spend on my pleasures? What am I asking for that might interfere with my relationship with Jesus? Am I asking for a Snickers bar when He has a feast prepared for me?
I sometimes question if spending all this time writing this blog for Adam is with the right motives. I have given this considerable thought, and have prayed about it. I have asked God to reveal to me if this is how He wants me to spend my time. For now, here I am.
What are your motives? Is your spiritual life satisfying? Are you bold enough to ask God to provide you with a path to walk down? If you are lacking direction, it may be simply that you don't ask. For me, I sometimes fear that I won't like the answer.
Praise God for Adam's miraculous day on Monday. That's it. Let's simply praise God for this, and other miracles He has worked in our lives.
We'll unite one more time, this evening.
Lunch: Crown of Life
James 1:12
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
As I mentioned at breakfast, I read the book of James, last week. These five chapters are loaded with practical instruction on how to live life as a follower of Christ. Verse 12 provides us with a promise — the crown of life for persevering under trial. What is the crown of life? the commentary in my study Bible states, "Drawing from the Greek custom of placing a wreath on the head of a winning athlete, James describes the reward given to believers who cross the finish line: eternal life, victory over death."
Sometimes, getting to the finish line is difficult. A runner may have to fight fatigue, cramps, and shortness of breath to finish a race. In life, we fight broken relationships, financial setbacks, illness, injury, and temptation. Like the runner, we need to keep focused on the finish line. Despite the pain and frustration, eternal life awaits!
What trial are you facing, today? Whatever it is, take it to the Lord in prayer.
It is still a couple weeks off, but let's begin praying for Adam's move to Orlando. It will be stressful for him and his family.
• For God to walk along side you, carry your burdens, and help you make it to the finish line. Pray the same for Adam, Amy, and Mackenzie.
•That Adam will continue to become stronger, more mobile, and increasingly able to communicate prior to his move.
• That all of the details of travel would all be worked out over the next couple weeks so all goes smoothly when it is time to travel to Orlando.
• For Amy's back — that she would not be suffering pain while getting ready to move, and while traveling
• That Mackenzie would adapt to yet another move.
• That all three of them would look forward to the move, the new facility, and their combined enthusiasm would help accelerate Adam's recovery!
• For God to watch over the entire process of moving, protecting Adam from any setbacks.
• For God to be picking and preparing the perfect staff in Orlando to aid Adam in his recovery.
Meet you at dinner time.
Breakfast: Joy and Blessings
James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
When I was reading the book of James, last week, I thought of Amy when I read these verses. When Jack and I were visiting Adam, Amy, and Mackenzie a couple weeks ago, I was amazed at Amy's positive, upbeat attitude. She works tirelessly and faithfully caring for Adam, in addition to being a mom. On Thursday, after yet another 12-hour day (for Amy), Jack and I took off for dinner at about 8:00 p.m. The next morning, Amy told us that she took Mackenzie to the Boston Bruins hockey game after we left! On top of a such a long day, she was suffering serious back pain. Yet, she was still smiling.
It seems like Amy uses this passage as her motto, or perhaps, her mission statement. She seems full of joy, and talks as if she lacks nothing. I should be taking lessons from her. Too often, I find myself myself wishing my circumstances were better. Rather, I should simply be full of joy when facing trials, which when I think about it, pale in comparison to hers.
This morning, let's work at considering it pure joy to be facing our current trials. Let's pray that Amy would continue to do the same. Ask God to bless her for modeling this passage, and for being such an inspiration to all of us.
'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if the thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
Blessings, Laura Story
Give God thanks for answering prayers regarding Adam's next level of care. Last Thursday, Amy informed us that they are moving to Orlando on April 18th. Being accepted to care in Florida was yet another response to many prayers on Adam's behalf.
Last Friday, Adam's voice became louder. Thank God for this improvement, and pray that Adam's voice will continue to gain volume.
See you at lunch time.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Evening: Hear Our Prayers
Psalm 143:1-1
LORD, hear my prayer,
listen to my cry for mercy;
in your faithfulness and righteousness
come to my relief.
• Please keep Mackenzie in your prayers with each transition — she has been amazing with every transition and God has truly prepared her for this journey. Pray that she will see how God is using her in a mighty way as well.
• Please continue to pray for Amy's time to be used wisely, that her eyes will stay fixed on the author and protector of her faith. Pray that she will intentionally seek Him first, for He is all she needs.
• Please keep praying for Amy's back and sciatica. Pray that she can endure this pain and persevere through it. Pray for a supernatural healing of Amy.
• Pray for Adam's full recovery.
See you next week.
Psalm 143:1-1
LORD, hear my prayer,
listen to my cry for mercy;
in your faithfulness and righteousness
come to my relief.
• Please keep Mackenzie in your prayers with each transition — she has been amazing with every transition and God has truly prepared her for this journey. Pray that she will see how God is using her in a mighty way as well.
• Please continue to pray for Amy's time to be used wisely, that her eyes will stay fixed on the author and protector of her faith. Pray that she will intentionally seek Him first, for He is all she needs.
• Please keep praying for Amy's back and sciatica. Pray that she can endure this pain and persevere through it. Pray for a supernatural healing of Amy.
• Pray for Adam's full recovery.
See you next week.
Dinner: Praise God
Psalm 150
Praise the LORD.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise him with the harp and lyre,
Praise him with timbrel and dancing,
praise him with the strings and pipe,
Praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD.
Praise You whem I'm laughing
Praise You when I'm grieving
Praise You every
Season of the soul
~Let Everything That Has Breath, Matt Redman
Prayer Requests
• Praise God — think of things just in the past few days for which you can offer up praise to God, even if you are currently grieving.
• Pray for Amy, Adam, and Mackenzie to be obedient to where God is calling us to go next. The decision is still up in the air.
• Pray for those at the insurance company that make decisions regarding Adam's care when they only know him from a paper document, pray that they will make wise decisions and be given Godly discernment as they make decisions regarding his care.
• Pray for Adam to have the courage necessary to keep his eyes fixed on God so that he will be able to see that God has called Adam for such a time as this. Pray that he will feel equipped each and every day for the battles that he faces as God's mighty warrior.
• Pray for those who are taking care of him, pray for those who have taken care of him in the past, and pray for those who have yet to take care of him but will. Pray that their lives are forever changed by God's tangible love for them.
• Pray for continued unity in Adam's family.
Lunch: How to Please God
It's About Faith
Hebrews 11:6
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
In my breakfast post, I wrote that I did not know why God requires us to have faith (rather than providing us with 100-percent hard evidence). One thing I do know is that He provides us with free will. He did not want a world full of robots obeying His every command. He gives us choice, and it delights Him when we choose to have faith.
When we have free will, lots of things can happen — good and bad. When good things happen, we should praise God for His grace. When bad things happen, we should praise God for His mercy. Good or bad, the verse above offers a promise of a reward to those with faith. Regardless of any short-term suffering here on earth, our ultimate reward will be eternity with God. That is a promise I have faith in.
God's promise has two strings attached: 1) We must believe that He exists; and 2) We must earnestly seek Him.
Bible scholars and believers may disagree a bit on what it means to earnestly seek God. However, I think that we can all do a self-assessment and quickly determine that we can step up our earnestness, regardless of where we are in our faith walk.
What's the reward? Heaven — where all believers will live forever with no pain, no suffering, no hurt, no disease, no injury, no sadness. That is why I write with such confidence. I know that I will see Adam fully restored. If not on earth, it will be in Heaven (regular readers know that I believe it will be on earth, but that is not up to me).
Give me faith to trust what you say
That you’re good and your love is great
I’m broken inside, I give you my life
~Give Me Faith, Elevation Worship
Prayer Requests
• Adam's speech and language is still needing improvement. Pray that he will learn how to use his vocal cords as he is talking.
• Pray for Adam's ability to process information quickly and to respond once he has processed it.
• Pray that Adam will be aware of when he needs to use the restroom so that he will be able to become more independent and can get out of the hospital setting more.
• Pray for Adam's strength as he is transferring to and from his wheelchair, which is another big step in becoming more independent.
We'll be back at dinner time.
Breakfast: How Big is Your God?
How Big is Your God?
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Faith is difficult for some of us to grasp. I have heard people say something like, "I would have faith in God if there was proof that He really existed."
If we had 100-percent, absolute, hard evidence of God's existence, why would we need faith? I don't need faith to know that the sun comes up in the east and sets in the west. There is hard evidence of both, each and every day. And, as much as I believe in God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, it requires faith on my part. Why? I don't know. That is simply the way God set things up.
In the notes of my study Bible, the authors write:
"Ultimately, the way we see God will determine the shape of our faith. If we see a big, faithful, all-powerful God, then our faith will rise to those levels. If on the other hand, we see a smaller God, a distant or less active God, the faith will plateau at those levels."
How big is your God? If your God is small, it is difficult to have big faith. How do you make your faith bigger? Pray, read the Bible, and worship God in song. Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to grow your faith. If your faith is big, you know what I am going to say — do the same things!
Because I see a big, all-powerful God, I believe that He can heal Adam. I know that many of you do, too. I know that many of you walk by faith.
Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me
~Walk by Faith, Jeremy Camp
This week, let's unite in praying for those things that Amy has requested.
Prayer Requests
• Adam started a new medication on Monday that is to help with his initiation and drive when asked to complete a command. Pray that this medication will help him have a quicker initiation time and to be able to follow through. Pray for this to be the case even without the medication.
• Continue to pray God's hedge of protection around Adam's immune system.
• Pray specifically for Adam's cognitive ability to improve greatly. Pray that he will continue to increase his scores for the cognitive testing he is undergoing.
• Pray for Amy's back pain and sciatica. Her job is a challenging one...much more so when she is in pain. Pray that she would be supernaturally healed.
• Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to grow your faith. Let's pray it for each other, too.
We'll add to the list at lunch time.
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Faith is difficult for some of us to grasp. I have heard people say something like, "I would have faith in God if there was proof that He really existed."
If we had 100-percent, absolute, hard evidence of God's existence, why would we need faith? I don't need faith to know that the sun comes up in the east and sets in the west. There is hard evidence of both, each and every day. And, as much as I believe in God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, it requires faith on my part. Why? I don't know. That is simply the way God set things up.
In the notes of my study Bible, the authors write:
"Ultimately, the way we see God will determine the shape of our faith. If we see a big, faithful, all-powerful God, then our faith will rise to those levels. If on the other hand, we see a smaller God, a distant or less active God, the faith will plateau at those levels."
How big is your God? If your God is small, it is difficult to have big faith. How do you make your faith bigger? Pray, read the Bible, and worship God in song. Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to grow your faith. If your faith is big, you know what I am going to say — do the same things!
Because I see a big, all-powerful God, I believe that He can heal Adam. I know that many of you do, too. I know that many of you walk by faith.
Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me
~Walk by Faith, Jeremy Camp
This week, let's unite in praying for those things that Amy has requested.
Prayer Requests
• Adam started a new medication on Monday that is to help with his initiation and drive when asked to complete a command. Pray that this medication will help him have a quicker initiation time and to be able to follow through. Pray for this to be the case even without the medication.
• Continue to pray God's hedge of protection around Adam's immune system.
• Pray specifically for Adam's cognitive ability to improve greatly. Pray that he will continue to increase his scores for the cognitive testing he is undergoing.
• Pray for Amy's back pain and sciatica. Her job is a challenging one...much more so when she is in pain. Pray that she would be supernaturally healed.
• Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to grow your faith. Let's pray it for each other, too.
We'll add to the list at lunch time.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Eve of Fasting: Don't Quench the Spirit
I Thessalonians 5:19
Do not quench the Spirit.
A five word verse? Is that it? Yes, but there is so much important instruction in these five words.
Apparently, Paul wrote these words because the Thessalonians were doing so at the time he wrote this letter. I believe it is important instruction for me. I find myself often quenching the Holy Spirit. How so? There are several ways, but first, a definition. To quench is to extinguish, put out, squelch, or suppress.
I find myself quenching the Spirit by ignoring Him when I want to do something my way rather than God's way — I don't allow the Holy Spirit to lead me. It might be ignoring His conviction, not yielding to His control, or refusing to worship (see Ephesians 5:15-20). What I should be refusing to do is quenching the Holy Spirit.
‘Cause I don’t want to live like I don’t care.
I don’t want to say another empty prayer.
I refuse to
Sit around and wait for someone else
To do what God has called me to do myself.
~I Refuse, Josh Wilson
Do you choose to follow or quench the Spirit?
Usually, Wednesdays are days when I feel close to God. However, there have been a few during the past 10 months where the hectic pace has kept me from spending as much time with God as I would like (and for sure less time than He would like). I let the cares of the world allow me to quench the Spirit. Let's all pray for each other that this does not happen tomorrow. Let's all refuse to quench the Spirit.
I look forward to spending time with God, and you, tomorrow, as we pray for Adam's healing. In addition to praying for each other (see previous paragraph), simply pray that God would be glorified by Adam's recovery process.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Morning After: Who can be Against Us?
Romans 8:31-32
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
Good morning! We got hungry, yesterday. And, if you chose a 36-hour fast, you may be really ready for breakfast, right now. Being hungry makes me appreciate God's provision. I do not want. Fasting reminds me of that. I don't have to go hungry. I have a roof over my head. I have a warm, dry place to sleep. You probably do, too.
To top things off, God gave His Son for us. Think about it. That is a lot of love. With that amount of love, then lots of compassion. With compassion, a willingness to heal—when that healing brings glory to God.
So, how do we respond to God's generosity? Glorify His name. God has been there throughout Adam's recovery. We should respond with praise and thanksgiving. We should get in alignment with God's will. It isn't always easy, perhaps rarely so. But, if God is with us, who can be against us?
A Prayer
Dear Father in Heaven,
Thank you for loving us.
Thank you for sparing Adam's life.
Thank you for the healing that you have performed in Adam.
Lord, we praise Your name for the great work that You have done.
Lord, we stand in awe of You.
We are sinners.
Please forgive us of our sins.
Wash away our transgressions, with the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Make us pure and holy in Your sight.
As forgiven sinners,
Lord, please hear our prayers.
Like the centurion in Luke 7,
We have faith.
We have faith in your ability and desire to heal.
we humbly fall before you,
and ask You to heal your servant, Adam Root.
Lord, we ask that Adam would be restored.
Dear Father, enable Adam to overcome his brain injury.
Make Adam whole.
In the name of Jesus, we pray.
Thanks for praying with us, this week.
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
Good morning! We got hungry, yesterday. And, if you chose a 36-hour fast, you may be really ready for breakfast, right now. Being hungry makes me appreciate God's provision. I do not want. Fasting reminds me of that. I don't have to go hungry. I have a roof over my head. I have a warm, dry place to sleep. You probably do, too.
To top things off, God gave His Son for us. Think about it. That is a lot of love. With that amount of love, then lots of compassion. With compassion, a willingness to heal—when that healing brings glory to God.
So, how do we respond to God's generosity? Glorify His name. God has been there throughout Adam's recovery. We should respond with praise and thanksgiving. We should get in alignment with God's will. It isn't always easy, perhaps rarely so. But, if God is with us, who can be against us?
A Prayer
Dear Father in Heaven,
Thank you for loving us.
Thank you for sparing Adam's life.
Thank you for the healing that you have performed in Adam.
Lord, we praise Your name for the great work that You have done.
Lord, we stand in awe of You.
We are sinners.
Please forgive us of our sins.
Wash away our transgressions, with the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Make us pure and holy in Your sight.
As forgiven sinners,
Lord, please hear our prayers.
Like the centurion in Luke 7,
We have faith.
We have faith in your ability and desire to heal.
we humbly fall before you,
and ask You to heal your servant, Adam Root.
Lord, we ask that Adam would be restored.
Dear Father, enable Adam to overcome his brain injury.
Make Adam whole.
In the name of Jesus, we pray.
Thanks for praying with us, this week.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Evening: Thank God
Psalm 145:1-3
I will exalt you, my God the King;
I will praise your name for ever and ever.
Every day I will praise you
and extol your name for ever and ever.
Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
In Chapter 14 of The Prayer Dare, author Ron Kincaid encourages us to make praise a lifestyle. He refers to a passage from Deitrich Bonhoeffer's Life Together that states "Only he who gives thanks for the little things receives big things. How can God entrust great things to one who will not thankfully receive the little things?"
This evening, praise God, and give Him thanks for all of the little blessings (as well as the big ones!) in your life. Thank him for little milestones in Adam's recovery, like Saturday when he ate a cheeseburger by himself. Or, when his face lit up, he smiled, and he extended his hand for a handshake when his friend, Daniel, came to visit after lunch on Saturday. And, thank God for the persistent therapists that gently push Adam everyday. Thank God that Adam is at Spaulding Rehab Hospital. Thank God that Adam has Amy.
Hanging out a Spaulding is not the most fun thing for a 10-year-old kid to do everyday. Pray that Mackenize would be understanding of her situation, and that she would get opportunities to spend some time outside of rehab, this summer.
Pray that God would work out a good plan for Adam after his time at Spaulding.
It's been another good day with God. Let's meet in the morning, for one more prayer.
Good night.
Dinner: Need an Alignment?
1 John 5:13-15
I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.
Some question my confidence in Adam's healing. Some don't even have to say anything. I see the looks in their eyes. I have confidence because of words in the Holy Bible, like this passage written by the apostle John. Whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him. This is where I get much of my confidence. God is promising to grant our requests, if they align with His will. Ah, there is the caveat—we must ask according to God's will.
You may be thinking, "But, Doug, how can you know that it is God's will for Adam to be healed?" Humanly speaking, I have no idea. As a Christian, there have been indications that lead me to my belief. I have felt the Holy Spirit leading me to pray for Adam since last May. I have seen God's miracles spare Adam's life, and allow him to achieve levels of functionality that Adam's doctor in North Carolina said would never occur. Adam has defied medical science. What he has already achieved is because of God's healing power.
God is at work. He will use Adam's healing to bring Himself glory. It is my belief that God would not have called so many to pray for Adam, and already have worked so many miracles, if a healing was not in his plans. Yet, my call is to obedience. I will let God worry about the rest. I simply see God working, and I am attempting to align myself with His will. If God has something else planned, I will continue praying that He would reveal His will to me.
We should always be attempting to align ourselves with God's will. Let's pray that for each other. Pray that we always be asking God to reveal His will to us so that we can keep ourselves aligned with it.
At lunch, I mentioned that Adam has begun problem solving. Amy, Jack, and I watched Adam wheel himself into an obstacle on the right side of the hallway. He stopped, thought about it for a bit, then backed up, veered to the left, and proceeded down the hall. This was yet another milestone in Adam's recovery. Pray that his cognitive abilities will keep improving.
Pray for Amy. I must say that I didn't really know her when I arrived in Boston. Four days at Spaulding can change that! We had a wonderful conversation while walking with Adam on Saturday evening. Now, I know her! But, I did not have to have that conversation to see what a wonderful wife she is. Sure, I knew that she was with Adam everyday. But, I did not know what that really meant until I saw here in action. I cannot even attempt to explain it. She provided a lot of care and encouragement to Adam, while suffering from back pain. Pray that God would ease the pain in Amy's back.
When you visit Adam in a city like Boston, you can count on doing some walking. Jack and I did, but it took its toll on Jack's knee. Pray that the pain in Jack's knee would subside. I also know that his heart aches, as do the hearts of Cookie and Adam's brothers. Pray that Adam's family would all be comforted and be at peace. For one day, there will be a day with no more pain.
We'll meet one more time, this evening.
Lunch: Give God the Glory
2 Kings 19:19
Now, LORD our God, deliver us from his hand, so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you alone, LORD, are God.”
In his book, The Prayer Dare, Ron Kincaid writes, "If you want your prayers answered, don't make requests for your reputation. Pray for things that increase God's reputation...If you want to pray with power, ask for things that bring God glory."
Let's remember why we pray. It is not for our own convenience that we pray for Adam's healing. It is not to serve our own personal desires. When the Holy Spirit first prompted me to hold a day of fasting and prayer last May, the purpose was clear to me. Jesus would heal Adam to bring glory, honor, and praise to God. To this day, it is for that reason that I pray for Adam.
What will be the outcome of all the surgeries, medicines, therapy sessions, and prayers? An expansion of God's Kingdom that will bring Him glory. I certainly don't claim to be a prophet, but I keep being prompted to pray because God has plans to use Adam for His purposes. I envision a day where Adam will walk (better than he currently does), talk (louder than he currently does), laugh (he already does that, actually), pray (he does that, too!), and sing praises to God. I see people beling led to faith by Adam.
I might be wrong. God's will is not always clear to me. I do know that if I am wrong about Adam, I am not wrong about God. He will work this situation to bring honor to Himself. So far, God has responded to many prayers. On Thursday morning, we watched Adam reading in the book of Joshua, and transport himself in his wheelchair by turning the wheels. The wheelchair moment came after some prompting, during which I was praying that God would help Adam get the job done. He did. In the afternoon, Adam walked up and down three steps after walking in the hallway with his walker.
Folks, after the "verdict" delivered last year, each one of these activities is a miracle.
I have seen miracles just happen. To God be the glory!
During your lunch-time prayer, praise God for all of the miracles that He has performed during Adam's recovery. For starters, it is a miracle that Adam is alive. That one, alone, is worth much praise! Adam can breathe on his own, see, hear, talk (quietly), move in his wheelchair, problem solve (more on that at dinner), thumb wrestle with both hands at the same time, nearly walk, and so much more. Praise God for providing Adam with a loyal, dedicated, loving wife. God has used Amy as part of His healing process. I don't believe that Adam would be where he is, right now, without Amy.
Thank and praise God for other answers to prayer in your life.
We'll re-convene at dinner time.
Breakfast: God was There
Matthew 18:19-20
“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
I am certain that there have been more than two or three of us gathering each Wednesday to fast and pray for Adam's healing. The great news is that God has been there with us! Thanks be to God! When I think back over the past 10 months, I see God's hands all over Adam's recovery. For sure, Adam has a long road ahead to complete restoration, but God has been there through the journey. It is no accident. Many of us have been gathering in agreement to ask for his healing.
I spent four days with Adam during this past week. As I think about the time I spent there, tears are rolling down my face. I remember hearing the verdict in the days and weeks following his accident that Adam would never talk and never walk. Hanging on the wall in Adam's room is a poster that states in bold letters, "Don't deny the diagnosis, defy the verdict!" I would add, "With the help of Jesus!"
Adam is talking, we just can't hear him very well. Pray that his vocal cords will continue to gain strength. I was there to see him provide one-word answers to questions, as well as multi-sentence replies. All we need to ask for is some volume to his voice.
Adam is not walking, at least not on his own power. But, he is oh-so-close to doing so. He is walking with the aid of his walker, or with the assistance of his therapists. One day, last week, he literally started climbing up his walker. Adam's therapist smiled as she stated, "Adam, you are very feisty, today. We like that!" Pray that God would provide Adam with a little more balance and strength so that he can walk on his own.
Because of Adam's injury, his right side is his weaker side. I watched Adam eat macaroni and cheese with his right hand, at lunch last Friday. It wasn't easy, but he did it! Pray that it would get easier for Adam to feed himself.
I will share some more evidence of God's work in Adam in subsequent posts, today. For now, include the three, underlined requests (above) in your prayers. And, praise our Lord for all of the progress that Adam has made. God was there.
Let us not forget to pray also for the people of Japan. The following is from the Japan Prayer Network...
Prayer & Aid for Earthquake Victims
Here is a link to several organizations that are providing various types of relief and aid to the earthquake and tsunami victims in northeastern Japan. Network for Good. In addition to material needs, Japan stands in need of prayer for spiritual and emotional healing as well. Here is another link to an online map of Japan. You can easily find Sendai City and Fukushima Prefecture on the upper right side of the map. Thanks for praying. God bless you richly!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Eve of Fasting: Power in Numbers
Eve of Fasting: Power in Numbers
Acts 4:31
After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
Tonight, I write with a renewed sense of urgency. Two things happened during the past week that have heightened the importance of us coming together in fasting and prayer for Adam.
First, I read the fourth chapter of Acts. I found it quite inspiring. Peter and John had been imprisoned for speaking about Jesus. They were offered released, with the provision that they quit talking about Jesus. But the two men could not stop. After they went back to their own people, and told them everything that had happened, they all raised their voices in prayer to God. The verse above describes what happened after they had prayed. The place shook, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke boldly about God.
Reading this passage made me realize how important it is that we band together in prayer. Big things happen when believers pray together!
Second, Jack (Adam's Dad) and I spent four days with Adam, Amy, and Mackenzie at Spaulding Rehab Hospital in Boston. You will hear more about my visit, tomorrow. This evening, however, let me simply say that there are many reasons for us to rejoice together! At the same time, there is still more that needs to be done. Adam, Amy, and their families need our prayers.
We began the Lenten season, last Wednesday. I encourage you to observe Lent with a day of fasting and prayer. Wednesdays are great days for that. Praying for Adam is a great purpose! Tomrrow would also be a great opportunity to pray for the people of Japan. Together, we can raise our voices and shout to the Lord..
Mark 9:29
He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.”
That was Jesus speaking in the verse above. His disciples were not able to drive an evil spirit out of a boy. Finally, Jesus drove the spirit out. When the disciples asked Him why they could not drive it out, Jesus replied with, “This kind can come out only by prayer.” This particular miracle was more difficult than some other healings they had performed. Jesus' instruction was simple — when faced with a very difficult obstacle, prayer is required.
Adam's recovery has been, and will continue to be difficult. We know the remedy...prayer!
See you in the morning at breakfast!
Acts 4:31
After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
Tonight, I write with a renewed sense of urgency. Two things happened during the past week that have heightened the importance of us coming together in fasting and prayer for Adam.
First, I read the fourth chapter of Acts. I found it quite inspiring. Peter and John had been imprisoned for speaking about Jesus. They were offered released, with the provision that they quit talking about Jesus. But the two men could not stop. After they went back to their own people, and told them everything that had happened, they all raised their voices in prayer to God. The verse above describes what happened after they had prayed. The place shook, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke boldly about God.
Reading this passage made me realize how important it is that we band together in prayer. Big things happen when believers pray together!
Second, Jack (Adam's Dad) and I spent four days with Adam, Amy, and Mackenzie at Spaulding Rehab Hospital in Boston. You will hear more about my visit, tomorrow. This evening, however, let me simply say that there are many reasons for us to rejoice together! At the same time, there is still more that needs to be done. Adam, Amy, and their families need our prayers.
We began the Lenten season, last Wednesday. I encourage you to observe Lent with a day of fasting and prayer. Wednesdays are great days for that. Praying for Adam is a great purpose! Tomrrow would also be a great opportunity to pray for the people of Japan. Together, we can raise our voices and shout to the Lord..
Mark 9:29
He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.”
That was Jesus speaking in the verse above. His disciples were not able to drive an evil spirit out of a boy. Finally, Jesus drove the spirit out. When the disciples asked Him why they could not drive it out, Jesus replied with, “This kind can come out only by prayer.” This particular miracle was more difficult than some other healings they had performed. Jesus' instruction was simple — when faced with a very difficult obstacle, prayer is required.
Adam's recovery has been, and will continue to be difficult. We know the remedy...prayer!
See you in the morning at breakfast!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Evening: Are You Ordinary?
Spending over four hours on a plane was such a blessing, today. Life has been quite hectic over the past month. So much so that the busy-ness was creeping into our united day of prayer and fasting. On a plane, one is removed from the distractions, so I got to spend more time with God.
During our flight, I spent some time reading Experiency God, by Henry Blackaby. If you are a Christian (Blackaby states up front that this book is for believers), and have never read it, make it your next book. I am only to the fifth chapter, and have already found it to be re-shaping all my thoughts about “doing God's will.” I am excited about how God's work in my life will exceed all my plans and dreams!
This evening's prayer appears at the end of Chapter 4 in Blackaby's book. If it sounds challenging, it is. If you feel uncomfortable saying the words, you're only human. I have the advantage of having just read the chapter preceding the prayer. Having read it, I might have a slightly different understanding of such bold requests, but they are still daunting to me. That's why I need God more than ever.
God, I want to be your servant.
I know that I can do nothing on my own.
I know that I cannot achieve the success that You call me to achieve.
I depend entirely on You to do Your work through me.
I know that You can do anything You choose to do.
I give myself completely to You.
Work through me anyway You want to work.
Show me where You are at work and include me in that work.
I will not question Your call.
I will do any work You show me to do wherever that work is.
Lord, accept the worship and dedication of Your servant today.
I have spent my entire life questioning God. It is time to quit questioning and begin doing. Easy to say, difficult to do. Yet, with God, all things are possible. How I cling to those words, tonight. It is easier for me to believe that Adam will be restored than it is for me to believe that I can live up to the words of this prayer. Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!
Blackaby does a wonderful job showing how God does extraordinary works through ordinary people. How does this happen? It occurs when we pray the prayer above.
Tonight's post may be a bit different. But, tonight is a different night. After nine months of praying for Adam, I am here with him.
Work through me Lord...anyway You want.
Dinner: Nothing's Terminal
Matthew 10:1
Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.
In the video above, Shawn points out that suffering is not part of the natural order. Nothing we suffer from is ultimately terminal. That truth provides me with hope and peace. It provides me with comfort, especially this evening as I arrive in Boston.
Prayer Requests from Amy
• Please keep praying that Adam will have the strength to keep working on using his voice while trying to speak.
• Offer praise offerings for all that God has done in Adam's healing.
I ask that you would pray for Adam to talk with his Dad over the next four days. Pray that God would provide Jack with encouragement while he is visiting Adam in Boston.
Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.
In the video above, Shawn points out that suffering is not part of the natural order. Nothing we suffer from is ultimately terminal. That truth provides me with hope and peace. It provides me with comfort, especially this evening as I arrive in Boston.
Prayer Requests from Amy
• Please keep praying that Adam will have the strength to keep working on using his voice while trying to speak.
• Offer praise offerings for all that God has done in Adam's healing.
I ask that you would pray for Adam to talk with his Dad over the next four days. Pray that God would provide Jack with encouragement while he is visiting Adam in Boston.
Lunch: God is Amazing
I am flying across the country, from Portland to Boston. Although uncertain what the next few days will bring, I cannot help but praise God that this trip is happening. Last May 15h, I was out mowing the lawn in my back yard. Gretchen walked out, visibly upset, to bring me the news about Adam's accident. Although short on details, the message was clear — Adam might not survive.
Two days later, I was riding the train to work, when I felt God instructing me to organize a "day" of fasting and prayer for Adam. Of course, that "day" has turned into many days. Even though Adam has a long way to go to be fully restored, God's answer to prayer has been amazing.
You’re amazing
You’re amazing, You are
And we praise you, Lord
For what Your hands have done
You’re amazing
You’re amazing, You are
~In the Hands of God, Newsboys
Joshua 3:5
Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.”
I pray that God will do amazing things, tomorrow. I pray that both Amy and Jack would be blessed with progress in Adam's recovery, and that God would be honored and praised as a result.
Let's pray together, again, at dinner time.
Breakfast: Enjoy Today
I am off to the airport, this morning. Last night, I wrote that I was anxious. But, I cannot worry about the future. I need to simply live in the moment. Today, I want to enjoy the trip. Enjoy spending time with Jack (Adam's Dad). Enjoy some time reading. Enjoy prayer time.
On Saturday, I got to meet Cale and Kathleen. Gretchen, Gabriella (niece), and I played cards with Cale while Kathleen attended a seminar. One thing was very obvious to me — we all have to live one day at a time. Saturday, we got to play and laugh with Cale. He has come a long way, yet Kathleen and he have a long journey ahead of them. There is only one way to travel that journey — one day at a time.
You told me not to worry
About what lies ahead
So I am gonna focus on today instead
Making every moment count and counting
Every single blessing
~Live For Today, Natalie Grant
Now, I am on my way to visit Adam — living for today.
Luke 12:24-26
Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
• That Adam's muscles would relax
• That Adam will continue making progress in his ability to walk
• Repent. Today is Ash Wednesday (read more).
I will post again, at lunch time.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Eve of Fasting: Boston Bound
Visiting Adam This Week
This is a special week for me. Tomorrow, I will be spending a good part of the day traveling to Boston, Adam's father, Jack, invited me to travel with him to visit Adam. So, Wednesday will be unlike any Wednesday that I have experienced since Adam's accident last May.
I don't know what to expect to experience over the next five days. I have told people that I have prayed for Adam more than anybody else — ever. Yet, here I am, feeling anxious about going to see him. Why? I am human. It is not a good time to leave my business. I really don't like long flights. I feel like I may be intruding.
Actually seeing Adam face-to-face is the part I am looking forward to. After all these months of praying for him, I would like to pray with him.
Anyway, I will be in in air, tomorrow. Although out of my routine, there will be ample time to pray. And, tomorrow is Ash Wednesday (read more about Ash Wednesday), which is a special day in my faith life. I am sad that I will miss the service at our church, but am thankful that I will plenty of time to pray.
Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Evening: Share in the Inheritance!
Colossians 1:10-12
...all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.
Wow, imagine learning about an inheritance of money that you neither expected, nor deserved. How much greater the kingdom of God! And, we certainly don't deserve that!
Throughout my life, and especially since last May, I have clung to promises like this from the Bible. I get a share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. So do you. So does Adam. With this truth in mind, there is so much hope.
I cannot imagine the pain that those close to Adam have felt during the past nine months. Yet, I need to look no further than Amy's blog to see how one can hurt, yet still share in the inheritance. All believers understand that there will be a day with no more tears.
There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place
Will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face
~There Will be a Day, Jeremy Camp
Oh, how I look forward to that day when we see Jesus face to face. While I am waiting, I will continue to pray for Adam's full recovery. I encourage you to do the same.
Good night, and God bless.
Dinner: Be Thankful!
Colossians 2:6-8
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.
Overflowing with thankfulness? I must confess that I don't always feel that way. In fact, there are many times that I don't. When do I? When I worship God. I am most likely to worship God with music. That is why I always play these music videos. They move me to worship God. They also keep me focussed on my faith, rather than deceptive philosophy.
Offer up thanks and praise to God during our dinner-time prayer. As you praise God for the blessings in your life, you will contine to think of more blessings to be thankful for. Don't forget to thank God for all of the progress that Adam has made over the past couple months. And, thank God that Adam has such a devoted wife.
We'll get back together one more time, this evening.
Lunch: Set Your Minds on Things Above
Colossians 3:2-4
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
When I read these verses, I think of those times when I am really ill. I long for the day when I am well. When that day comes, it feels so good. The feeling of good health is so welcome.
Likewise, life on earth is full of pain, suffering, stress, broken relationships, and other suffering. Yet, we can look forward to that day when we are united with Jesus. From our view (of being ill), appearing with Christ in glory is indescribable.
That Adam's ability to walk would continue to improve.
That Adam would realize enjoyment from playing games on the Wii.
For Adam's and Amy's marriage.
Meet you at dinner time.
Breakfast: These Things Take Time
I want to know why pain makes me stronger
I want to know why good men die
~These Things Take Time, Sanctus Real
I am encouraged. I am hopeful. I am optimistic. I am placing my faith in God.
Maybe you are more skeptical or wrestling with doubt. It is only human to doubt. If so, you are not alone. As Sanctus Real sings in the song above:
And tell me, is it easier to doubt or harder to believe?
Oh, there's so many questions stirring in me.
We all have questions stirring in us. That's alright. Jesus understands, and He wants to help us overcome our doubts. Thomas is an often referred to doubter that Jesus did not condemn.
John 20:24-29
Now Thomas (also known as Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”
But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Jesus encouraged "Doubting Thomas" to see for himself that Jesus truly had risen from the dead. Jesus was not angry with Thomas. If you are doubting, there is no need to feel guilty. There is no need for self condemnation. Just ask Jesus to ease your doubt.
With regard to Adam, we have already seen healing miracles. Many of us (including me), have become impatient at times. Some, have been impatient throughout Adam's recovery. Like Sanctus Real tells us in this morning's song, these things do take time.
• For patience
• For our doubt to be removed
• Praise God for Adam speaking on the phone (Never Give Up Praying)
• Pray for Adam's eyesight (especially on right side)
• Pray for Adam to continue to gain strength to walk on his own
Meet you at lunch time.
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