Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Eve of Fasting: Looking for Hope

Matthew 16:18

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

Why am I quoting this verse, tonight? Last week, I read 1 Peter. Of all the authors of New Testament letters, Peter is the one that we seem to know the most about. There are various accounts of him interacting with Jesus, including some very "human moments," where he lacked faith. Despite all of his weaknesses, Jesus told him that He would build His church on Peter. Pretty heady stuff.

Anyway, if it was upon Peter that Jesus would build His church, then a letter from him should be very authoritative instruction. So much so, that tomorrow's posts will all be based on passages from this letter to believers in what is now Turkey. Peter wrote this letter to offer encouragement in the midst of their suffering. We all face trials, and many of us are probably in the midst of one, right now. We know that Amy, Mackenzie, Jack, Cookie, and the rest of Adam's family and close friends have been in a severe trial for the past 10 months.

Tomorrow (and Thursday morning), I will include a link to a chapter in the book of 1 Peter. I ask that you would take time to read the complete chapter (it will only take a few minutes) at the designated times (breakfast, lunch, dinner, evening, and the morning after).

Why a new format? Peter's letter instructs us that God can use challenging times to strengthen us. Knowing this can bring hope, and I believe that it is important for all of us to have hope. Taking a few minutes at four intervals throughout the day is a small commitment, when the reward is to receive hope in return.

    In this trial that I'm going through
    I don't question 'cause I know it's true
    That the sorrow brings me back to You
    And You have made me stronger
    ~40 Days, Third Day

Let's pray that God would make Adam, and his family, stronger.

We'll meet in the morning.

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