Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dear Adam,

I am so happy and excited over the progress you have made in your rehabilitation. The recovery that you have made has the hands of God all over it.

My small group is studying Experiencing God, by Henry Blackaby. In his book, Blackaby writes, “We come to know God as we experience Him in and around our lives.” Since May 17th of last year, I have experienced God in ways that I never have before.

I was riding WES, the commuter train that runs between Wilsonville and Beaverton, on Monday, the 17th of May, two days after your accident. God spoke to me on that train ride. Through the Holy Spirit, He instructed me to organize a day of fasting and prayer for your healing. Many people united in prayer three days later on Thursday, May 20th.

I thought the day of fasting and prayer was a one-day event. I had no idea that would become a weekly event over the following 11 months. I know that others would agree when I say that praying for you has deepened my relationship with God.

It sounds so selfish to say that because you have suffered, others have been enriched. It makes me cringe to even write the words. Yet, I want you to know that your long road to recovery has served Kingdom purposes. God has used you to reach others.

Words cannot express what has happened to my faith life since May of last year. Just know that, like others, God has blessed me with His presence. Of course, He has also blessed us with answers to prayers for your healing, which has far exceeded that expectations of doctors in North Carolina.

Personally, I spend more time in prayer. I routinely get down on my knees when I pray, something that I did not do before your accident. Fasting became a big part of my walk with God over the past year. Like the book mentioned near the start of this letter, I am increasingly experiencing God, rather than just believing in Him.

I know that you are entering a challenging phase of your recovery. As your brain continues healing, you are able to realize some of your limitations. That has to be so frustrating. Yet, I encourage you to give your frustration over to God. He has, and will continue to work a healing in you.

As you continue working toward a full recovery, know that God is in control.

Yes, God is in control. He is in control of your healing and recovery. Thankfully, He is, and I am not. With this truth in mind, I am going to discontinue this blog. However, I will continue to pray for you each day. I know that others will, too.

Adam, I am so sorry for all that Amy, Mackenize, and you have been through during the past year. One of my prayers is that you will understand the positive impact that you have had on so many lives, including mine, and that you will praise God for the work He is doing through you.

Praise be to God!

Love in Christ,
Uncle Doug Mortensen

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