Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Eve of Fasting: Power in Numbers

Eve of Fasting: Power in Numbers
Acts 4:31

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

Tonight, I write with a renewed sense of urgency. Two things happened during the past week that have heightened the importance of us coming together in fasting and prayer for Adam.

First, I read the fourth chapter of Acts. I found it quite inspiring. Peter and John had been imprisoned for speaking about Jesus. They were offered released, with the provision that they quit talking about Jesus. But the two men could not stop. After they went back to their own people, and told them everything that had happened, they all raised their voices in prayer to God. The verse above describes what happened after they had prayed. The place shook, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke boldly about God.

Reading this passage made me realize how important it is that we band together in prayer. Big things happen when believers pray together!

Second, Jack (Adam's Dad) and I spent four days with Adam, Amy, and Mackenzie at Spaulding Rehab Hospital in Boston. You will hear more about my visit, tomorrow. This evening, however, let me simply say that there are many reasons for us to rejoice together! At the same time, there is still more that needs to be done. Adam, Amy, and their families need our prayers.

We began the Lenten season, last Wednesday. I encourage you to observe Lent with a day of fasting and prayer. Wednesdays are great days for that. Praying for Adam is a great purpose! Tomrrow would also be a great opportunity to pray for the people of Japan. Together, we can raise our voices and shout to the Lord..

Mark 9:29

He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.”

That was Jesus speaking in the verse above. His disciples were not able to drive an evil spirit out of a boy. Finally, Jesus drove the spirit out. When the disciples asked Him why they could not drive it out, Jesus replied with, “This kind can come out only by prayer.” This particular miracle was more difficult than some other healings they had performed. Jesus' instruction was simple — when faced with a very difficult obstacle, prayer is required.

Adam's recovery has been, and will continue to be difficult. We know the remedy...prayer!

See you in the morning at breakfast!

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