Tuesday, June 15, 2010

At Peace on the Eve of Fasting

This has been a week of many events, conversations, and emotions. Enough so, that many, including myself, are heading into this week's united day of fasting and prayer in a "different state of mind."

I am going to share a bit of my story. Why write about me when this blog is dedicated to Adam? Read on, then draw your own conclusion.

My story begins on Tuesday, May 18th, three days after Adam's accident. I got on WES (commuter train) that morning, sat down, and reached into my backpack to pull out a book to read. As I reached, divine intervention took place. Instead of a book, I pulled out a pad of paper, and God told me to plan a day of fasting and prayer. I wrote down some notes about when, how to notify everybody, and what to tell them. The result was this blog and the very first post.

After the first fast, we switched to Wednesdays. It quickly became a routine. Perhaps too much routine in God's eyes. So, He used my daughter, Adrienne, to shake things up, last week. Read her post, A Call to Battle!!! if you have not already done so. As you can see, her vision led her to believe that this week would be a big week. And desipte Adam's recent setback, there is still some week to go.

A story behind the story is that Adam's aunt, Kimberly, was traveling from Oregon to North Carolina, and was planning to visit Adam for the first time on Monday evening. Her visit would occur near the end of the third day of fasting that some of us were observing as a result of the "call to battle." So, based on Adrienne's vision, and the many prayers lifted during the fast, there was some hope that Kimberly might report some improvement in Adam's condition.

Late Monday afternoon (Pacific Time), Adrienne called me while I was sitll at work. She said that she has just spoken to Kimberly, and that "nothing had happened." Adrienned admitted some discouragement, and since I was at a loss for words to encourage her, our call ended rather quickly.

When I got home last night, I sent an email to my daughters and wife, who were troopers through the three-day fast. Here is a slightly edited version of it:

Earlier this evening, Adrienne called to say that "nothing happened." A short time later, I walked toward the transit center from the office. I veered off course and bought a smoothie to break my fast. I carried it onto the train. 

After a somewhat cloudy day, the sun had come out. As the train took off for Tualatin, I sat by the window, and admired God's beauty while I enjoyed my smoothie. Despite hearing the words, "Nothing happened," I thought about all that has happened over the past month. I was at peace. Perhaps more at peace with God than I have been in a long time — maybe ever.

I thought about that Tuesday train ride where I reached for my book, and instead, got a pad of paper to write down how I would start a blog to encourage people to join a fast for Adam. I thought about people like Jerry Davis and David Tangvold responding to the first day of prayer and fasting. I remembered Hillary saying, "Adrienne really wants a miracle."

I thought about my lovely wife, Gretchen, responding for calls to fast with simple, yet sure words, "I'm in."

I thought about Dimitri, Victoria, Gretchen, and me reading the first "Eve of Fasting" post and crying together.

I thought about my daughters writing heartfelt posts on the blog. I thought about the many people that have said that they are praying for Adam. I thought about three graduation parties where I simply drank water. I thought about my headaches, and wondered how I got off so easily compared to my daughters, who were sick from their fasting.

I thought about Isaac (my grandson) making, and carrying around a banner proclaming "Fasting for Adam." I thought about him "giving up playing."

I thought about Kimberly flying all night to get to North Carolina. What a loyal servant.

I thought about all the prayers that I have been brought to God by Adam's friend, relatives, and people that don't even know him. I thought about those times when I sang along with a worship video on the blog. I thought about kneeling in the parking lot, today, praying with fervor. 

I wondered how many prayers have been brought to God for Adam's healing. I bet it's a big number.

I smiled, took a sip of my smoothie, and thought to myself, "No, Adrienne, a lot has happened."

Can you feel it? Can you feel that your relationship with God has strengthened? We have all stepped out, beyond our comfort zones. We have gone places where we have had to place our trust in God to get us through. We have done things we would not have done without Adam's accident. 

(end of email)

You see, telling my story, is telling part of Adam's story. Look at the impact that his accident is having on people's lives. I don't know why God chose Adam for this. Yet, Adam is ministering to us, while lying in bed in a hospital. My email recounts just a few of the many life-changing events that are taking place because of Adam. If you have some to share, I am sure that we would all be blessed to read them.

I am at peace. I don't know why Adam and his family are going through this crisis. Yet, I figure that if God is changing so many people's lives as a result, He has a grand plan. And, if God is causing changes in our lives, He is surely is in control of Adam's.

Peace to you all.

Numbers 6:26

 26 the LORD turn his face toward you
       and give you peace.

1 comment:

  1. Doug,

    Your so right. God is using Adam's accident to help me grow spiritually. Pray without ceasing. Let go and let God.

    Thank you for all your sharing in this blog. It gave me chills when you said you pulled out your pad instead of your book.

    God has changed everything, according to his plan. He is faithful and just.
