Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mid Afternoon - Midst of a Miracle

In the Midst of a Miracle

"Why doesn't God perform a miracle?"

"If I could see God's miracles, my faith would be strengthened."

"I would believe in God if I saw a miracle."

"Does God really perform miracles anymore, or was that just in Biblical times?"

Perhaps you have heard people speak these words. Maybe you have said or thought them yourself. At various times in my life, I have entertained these thoughts.

My sense is that some of us thought that one day of fasting and prayer was all that was needed to invoke a miraculous healing. Our thinking goes like this, "OK, we went without food for a day, and prayed more than usual, heal Adam so we can get on with our lives."

Our thoughts are not always admirable. Perhaps we want Adam healed quickly, so we don't have to interupt our lives with hunger and all that praying. Yikes, perhaps that it precisely what God wants!

Folks, it isn't about you and me. It's not about Adam, either. It's about God. He will perform His miracles His way, in His timing. And, maybe, just maybe, He is waiting for you or me to get our attitude right toward prayer and fasting beffore he completes His healing.

We have much to be hopeful about, and much to be thankful for. We should be joyfully offering our prayers to God.

Take a few minutes, this afternoon, to consider that we are in the midst of a miracle. During our first day of prayer and fasting (May 20th), the outlook for Adam was bleak. His very survival was at stake. Here we are, three weeks later, and Adam is alive! That, my friends, is a miracle!

Not only is Adam alive, but he is no longer in the hospital. Yesterday, he was moved to a rehab center. Not only that, he held Amy in his arms (see God's Timing is Always Perfect)! What doctor offered that outlook three weeks ago?

It may not be the instant healing that our "microwave society" wants, but I believe that we are in the midst of a healing miracle. Praise God! Now, we must continue with our prayers. We must continue to petition God on Adam's behalf. For not only is God healing Adam's brain and body, but He may be healing some of our hearts and souls. And, speaking for myself, there may be more damage there that needs repairing.

A Prayer

Thank you, Lord, for all of the healing that you done in Adam's body. Thank you for hearing our prayers, and by answering our requests.

Thank you, God, for your endless grace. Thank you for allowing us to ask for, and now be a witness to, a miraculous healing process. You are great, indeed!

Lord, I acknowledge that although I am not a patient in a medical facility, I, too, need healing. I need a healing of my heart and a healing of my soul. Dear Father, I ask that you would make me pure in Your sight. Please wash away my sins.

Thank you, God, for loving me. Thank you God for loving Adam. Thank you, God, for sending the Holy Spirit to minister to Adam.

Lord, I pray that you would overcome both Adam's injuries, and my doubts, with the power of Your love.


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

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