Friday, June 11, 2010


By Adrienne Terada

I have something very urgent and very important to share with all of you who are uniting in prayer and fasting with us for Adam's complete healing.

Several of us (Adam's family members) feel an incredible sense of urgency to unite in prayer and fasting over this weekend. We feel that God is moving in a big way and he is calling all of us to unite in battle for Adam's healing RIGHT NOW!!!

Just on Wednesday, I wrote (God Will Take Care of Tomorrow) that I felt like my fervor and expectancy in prayer was winding down, but the very next day, God renewed my fervor tenfold! The urgency in my prayers and time with the Lord increased almost instantaneously, so I went for a walk to worship and spend some time with the Lord last night. I went off by myself on a small dirt path at the nature preserve near our house and threw my hands to heaven to worship and plea for Adam. While I was doing that, God gave me a very clear, powerful vision that I feel like God wanted me to share with all of you.

This is how it looked...

As I looked toward heaven, I saw an enormous battalion of angels marching in unison to go to battle for Adam's healing, with weapons in hand, singing praises to the Lord. I thought it was very powerful and I could feel the presence of the angels. Then I closed my eyes, and God gave me a very clear vision of another battalion. It was all of us-Adam's friends and family members and others that are uniting in prayer and fasting with us. Some of the faces I recognized and some I did not, but we were all marching in unison right behind the angels singing praises to the Lord and going to battle for Adam. Some were playing the drums, some were playing trumpets, and some were singing, but we all had our Bibles in our arms as our weapon.

My vision was so powerful that I began weeping as I started to march down the path-weeping in joy that God loves Adam that much, that God was so gracious to give me this vision, that God was so faithful to draw me close to Him, that God is using me in this battle, that God is using all of you in this battle, that Adam has so many people willing to go to battle with him. The following was the song that I was listening to when the vision came to me. I would be thrilled if all of you could feel some of the power, awe, and joy I felt last night, so close your eyes and imagine all of us marching to battle.

  • Pray that God would reveal Himself to you
  • Pray about what God is calling you to do this weekend to join in this battle
  • Pray and ask God for Adam's complete healing and that he would awake and arise

Do you feel the call to go to battle? I have a request to make of all of you who do. I believe it will be powerful if we know who is uniting in prayer and fasting with us this weekend. If you are joining us in any form this weekend, whether it is a full water fast, a one-day fast, a three-day fast, a partial fast of some sort, such as a liquid fast, or fast from TV, or just uniting with us in prayer, please leave some sort of comment on this post. If you are only doing a one-day fast, do it on Monday. You do not need to tell us what type of fast you are doing or even your name (though names would be great), just sign in anonymously to tell us you are joining us and maybe the city you are from, or how you know Adam, or who you know that knows Adam. There is power in corporate fasting and prayer!

Just one more thing before I sign off. If you want to join us for fasting and prayer this weekend, but have never given your life to Jesus, and long for Him and the eternal life that He gives freely, you can pray this prayer to ask Him to sit on the throne in your life.


I am a sinner. I am in need of forgiveness. I ask forgiveness for all of my sin. I repent and turn from my sin. I recognize that I need you in my life. I believe that Jesus is the Son of the one true God, and that he died on the cross and rose again on the third day to save me from sin. I believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. I am nothing without You, but I am alive in You. I give my whole heart and life to You-my Savior. Be glorified in my life.

In Jesus' name I pray,


  1. I will be fasting this weekend, and I believe Adam will be completely healed.

    Adrienne Terada
    Adam's cousin
    Wichita, KS

  2. As always, will be praying daily. For those that can fast only one day, pick Monday.

    Doug Mortensen
    Adam's uncle
    Tualtin, OR

  3. I believe Adam will arise. I hope you believe it too. On Monday, I am going to fast playing, my favorite cheese (mouse cheese). I hope you will fast.

    Isaac Terada
    Age 7
    Adam's cousin
    Wichita, KS

  4. I'm in.

    Gretchen Mortensen
    Adam's aunt

  5. Adrienne,

    This was so amazing and beautiful, I cried as I read through the whole thing. You have such a beautiful, tender spirit. Thank you for all your prayers, God is moving. I am so touched by how many people are fasting and praying.

    Isaac's pictures/bible verses are hanging on Adam's wall!

    With lots of love,
    Amy Root

  6. I will be fasting Sat, Sun, and Monday. I know that He will heal Adam! Don't miss the boat to be closer to our God, King, and Creator. He wants to be with you and is waiting for you patiently.

    Ken Terada
    Adam's extended family,
    Wichita, KS

  7. I currently have an insatiable hunger for reading in the Bible about healing, prayer, and fasting. While I was at first hesitant, I now confidently choose to join with fellow warriors this weekend. Jesus heals. May He help us overcome any unbelief!

    Adam's Cousin
    Wichita, KS/Los Angeles, CA

  8. I will be fasting. We have been praying with complete confidence that Adam will be healed and restored. We anticipate all God is doing through Adam, Amy and the family and friends of this amazing couple. This morning I was reading in Matt about the Roman centurian who came to Jesus about his servant. When Jesus said he would go to the home, the Roman replied, that would not be necessary. He knew Jesus had only to give the order and it would be done. Jesus was amazed at this man's faith. I immediately thought of Adam and all those praying for his healing with that faith, knowing the immeasurable power of our God. I agree with Hillary's post above, "Jesus heals. May He help us overcome any unbelief!". Continue to boldly approach the throne as James 5 says "he should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.". Do not loose hope. Keep praying and waiting in excitement to see what God is doing!

    Teri Hooper
    Adam and Amy's friend from church
    Cary NC

  9. I know several of us will be praying for as we have been constantly. Adam is a special person loved by many of us very much even the great aunts and uncles. I have heard from many that have prayed that what they feel is Adam will be restored. Some say the 40th day. A prayer warrior-doesnt know Adam but said he will be restored but different and will be a warrior for God. It is all good that I hear. So we will see what God will do. I start my day with praying for Adam and as he is in my mind all day and this will surprise some of you I'm sure as it did me the first time I have ever heard Don Bill pray out loud in front of any one(and it was just the little kids) he said a prayer for Adam! Love you all and my prayer is steady and consistant begging for Adam to live again-healthy. Aunt Charlotte

  10. Over the weekend, I have spoken with several people who said that they are praying for Adam. These are all people who do not know him. It is encouraging to hear that prayer support seems to be building. It continues to bolster my belief that God is at work in a very special way.

  11. I am in ...3day water fast friday through sunday
    God is so good....let us press in believing in faith for Adams total recovery. Blessing to you all....thank you to those writing this blog are inspiring and building my faith daily.
