Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lunch: Amazing Grace

by Hillary Mortensen

Like my father, I have seen it, too: those moments in which we've been touched by grace along various points of this journey toward Adam's recovery.

I've had it in drawing closer to God through prayer and fasting and learning new lessons. While I know that I am still far from perfect, I've experienced the ways God has stretched and challenged me, conforming my will to His. Nearly two weeks ago, after making a desperate call out to God about how I want to know and understand Him better, He blessed me with an insatiable appetite for His Word like I have never before experienced in my life. I've lifted my voice in worship and prayer with my sister and her family, thereby experiencing the gift of true, intimate fellowship with others in the family of God. We were visited by Brad, Shandal, and boys to share some stories and laughs. I get to rejoice with the likes of Amy and her friend Kathleen as they blog about their husbands' high points. And the list goes on and on.


It's a word we throw around a lot without thoughtfully considering. Grace, folks, is the freely-given, unmerited (undeserved) favor and love of God.

Free-"to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One [Jesus] he loves." (Ephesians 1:6)

Unmerited-"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8)

Do you ever find yourself trying to earn God's love or favor? Are you thinking, "If I just try harder, do better, pray more often, am a good person, go to church more regularly, then..."? It's an easy trap to fall into. I've struggled with trying to earn God's love my entire life. But we can't do it! It's something He gives freely out of His love for us, not because of us but in spite of us. We merely need to accept His grace.

Consider evidence of God's grace on your life right now. On Adam's life right now. Ponder the latter for a moment. Is there anything that Adam is currently doing or striving for, in an earthly sense, that makes him deserving of our care, time, prayers, fasting, blogs, and love? No. He is receiving this because of God's grace. They're gifts! Thank God for the gifts in our lives. Thank Him for being love, which causes Him to freely offer grace.

Ask God for a better, growing understanding of His grace as you listen to this song:

Note: Please use the comments as an opportunity to list evidence of God's grace you've witnessed or experienced in the past month and a half.

1 comment:

  1. God has provided me with closeness to Him. He has blessed me with the comfort knowing that I do not have to earn my salvation. His grace is enough for me. God has provided me with the confidence to try things, knowing that I cannot succeed on my own -- that I must depend on Him. God has provided me with great peace.
