Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Praise God!

I believe it is important that as we pray for Adam's healing, that we "come up for air" and simply praise God. Since we are asking for a miraculous healing, the least we can do is praise His name!

I invite you to sing along as you listen to the New Doxology.

Did you get a chance for solitude at lunch? If not, seek it now. Whatever amount of time you might take to eat dinner, use it for some alone time with God.

If you did get a chance for solitude, you may want to do, again. Or, you might ask your family to join you in prayer. Pray not only for Adam's healing, but also for the healing of other people you know, who are suffering illness or recovering from accidents or surgeries.

1 comment:

  1. We are fighting a spiritual strong and courageous. Thanks Doug for the reminder to worship and to praise our amazing Lord!
