Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dinner: Are You Still Worrying About Tomorrow?

By Adrienne Terada

Well, last week I posted how I had fasted 5 out 8 days. It was an amazing experience for me. Just like my dad and sister wrote, I too have grown. I have spent more time with God, He has drawn me closer to Him, I have experienced his mighty power in ways I never have before, and my faith and trust in my almighty Savior grew to the point that I could say, I wasn't worried about tomorrow. That is the great news!

Now for the bad news...

It has been 6 days without fasting, and as we all know, old habits die hard. The worries of some of the rough trials I am going through right now starting weighing me down. In fact, the last couple of days I started feeling heavy-hearted and discouraged, but when I evaluated what had changed, it was no coincidence. I wasn't spending time in true worship, I wasn't spending time reading God's word, I wasn't turning my worries to Him, and I wasn't surrendering to God some of the outcomes I was fearing. Perhaps you have experienced some of this as well.

Since it is not practical to fast 5 days every week to stay near to God, and there is not always a blog of devotionals to follow, I was thinking about other practical things to do to stay close to Him every day. I encourage you to try them too.
  • Pick at least one powerful praise and worship song to listen to in the morning before you do anything else.
  • Pick at least one verse to write out and put somewhere visible to meditate on daily.
  • Instead of praying every time you feel a hunger pang, pray every time a discouraging or worrisome thought enters your mind.
  • Worship God at night as you lay down to go to bed.

These are just a few of the things you can do. Please feel free to comment if you have any other great ideas on how to stay close to God every day.

For right now, I thought we should meditate on Matthew 6:34 again. (This might be a good one to hang on your bathroom mirror.)

Matthew 6:34
God will take care of your tomorrow. Live one day at a time.

I could tell my heart was heavy yesterday because I had to listen to this song several times to remind myself that God is still God, even when we are in the midst of our trials and tribulations, and we still have a reason to worship!!!!

Things to pray for:

  • That God would give Amy, Jack & Cookie strength to make it through today
  • That God would show Himself mighty in Adam's life and all of our lives
  • That God would be preparing Adam for his healing
  • That God would be glorified in this day and this situation

1 comment:

  1. As you wrote, it is not always practical to fast. However, I do find myself eating less, and stretching the time between meals. That way, I do get some hunger to remind me to pray.
