Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lunch: Be a Leader...

...With strong hands

Note: This post might be geared more toward men. But, I encourage women to stick with me.

In my breakfast post, I talked about seeking God's will for our lives in 2011. Of course, that includes me. Although I feel that my faith has grown over the past few years, I do struggle with figuring out what God wants me to do with my life.

When I talk with other believers, they say things like, "You are not the only one with this challenge." Why is this so? Does God make it difficult for Christians to know His will for their lives? Would He really have us wandering around for years trying to figure out what to do?

Something tells me that God's will may not be as difficult to discern as I sometimes state. I wonder if the bigger problem is that I don't like what God's plan is for me, so I keep looking for something more "palatable."

Recently, I feel like the Holy Spirit may be nudging me toward more active spiritual leadership for my family. Yet, I keep resisting. It doesn't feel like a "comfortable" role for me. I don't feel qualified. I don't know what to do or say. Yet, when I heard this song the other day on my car radio, it convicted me.

Men, listen to the lyrics and see if they convict you. Women, listen and ask yourself if you want this type of leadership from your husbands, fathers, or brothers.

Men, if you are not already, give careful consideration to leading your family in prayer for Adam's recovery. Pray about it, now, and throughout the afternoon. Ask God how you can lead your families in prayer and devotions.

Women, share this post with men from whom you would like to see more spiritual leadership.

Dads, consider this verse:

Ephesians 6:4

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

After you men pray about your role as spiritual leaders, and women pray for leadership from the men in their lives, pray as Amy requested on her blog, yesterday:

"Please keep praying for Adam to continue to make progress, please keep praying for the ability to quickly process information, pray for speech, pray for the ability to have drive and alertness. Pray for his muscle tone to get better. Pray for FULL recovery."

Meet you at dinner time.


  1. Don't have a husband but praying for my dad and brothers...and maybe a future husband, too...just in case. :-)

  2. Father, give me the strength to be everything I'm called to be.
