Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Evening: No Separation from God's Love

At dinner time, Hillary wrote that God is Love. This evening, I want to continue that theme by taking a look at how nothing can separate us from His love for us.

Romans 8:38-39

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I love Paul's confidence in these verses. He emphatically states that nothing will separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. It is passages like this that I cling to when trouble surrounds me. Yet, when compared with others, I have faced almost nothing. I introduced you to Pat Ashby's situation, this morning. Here is a woman staring death in the face. She sent an email to me, yesterday. In it, she wrote:

"Even if He answers our prayers with an answer that we don't want to hear, I know that He listens and does what is best for all of us. Maybe my journey is to strengthen my faith, or that of my sister's or brother's or some unnamed person who is struggling. We do not presume to know the mind of our Heavenly Father, we can just rejoice in His Love and Blessings, of which I have so many."

I hope and pray that my faith will be so unwaivering when facing such challenging circumstances. Pat's words are both instructional and motivational. People often question God when bad things happen to good people. I believe that Adam and Pat are good people. Bad things happened to both of them. Even so, Pat states that God does what is best for all of us!

Pat wrote that her journey may be to strengthen the faith of others, including those that are unnamed or that she does not even know. I know that she already has. And, how many have been affected by Adam's journey? Who of you have turned to God for the first time? Who of you believers have spent more time in prayer because of Adam's plight?

Whose faith has been discovered, ignited, or strengthened by either Adam or Pat? This evening, thank God for them. Ask God to bless them for the suffering that they have endured. Thank God that our paths have crossed with Adam and Pat. And, ask for healing. God has done such an amazing work in Adam. Remember that the doctors in North Carolina said that Adam would not speak, again. God brought speech to Adam. Doctors have prescribed "last resort chemo" for Pat. Let's pray for another medical miracle. After all, He is the God of wonders!

Good night, and God bless!

1 comment:

  1. I may not get the medical miracle, but I have already received the spiritual miracle of becoming aware of how God's love works in all of us. My faith has been strengthened many times over during my two year journey and I am so blessed by all the love and prayers that have been showered upon me. Thank you God for that. I face the future unafraid, confident that God is with me. Thank you so much to Doug for posting this and to everyone who reads it and prays. Pray daily to thank God for all that He does.
