Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mid Morning (coffee break)

I love my coffee. I don't start my day with it, but usually walk over to the local coffee shop around 9:30-10:00 a.m. I get a bit of fresh air, get a few minutes of "thinking time," and of course, my 16-ounce, four-shot Americano! Then it's back to work.

If you normally take a coffe break of some sort, use this time to futher communicate with God. As always, you can worship and pray as the Holy Spirit leads you. If you are not sure, spend a few minutes pondering God's awesomeness! Play the song, below for some inspiration.

If you are not feeling led in prayer, consider one or more of these:

  • Telling God how awesome He is
  • Asking Him for the forgiveness of your sins
  • Asking Him to bless Amy, Mackenzie, Jack, Cookie, Ben, Brad, Tristan and other family members with peace, comfort, and rest
  • Ask God that each member of Adam's family would be encouraged today
  • Ask God for daily improvement in Adam's condition
  • Thank God for hearing our prayers

As you return to work, school, or parenting, continue to listen for the prodding of the Holy Spirit. When you notice hunger, say a short prayer asking for God's continued healing of Adam.

1 comment:

  1. As you conclude your mid-morning devotional time, know that your are joined with people from many locations -- from North Carolina to Hawaii.

    And, people are sacrificing in different ways. My grandson, who has various health issues, incuding diabetes is participating. Did you see this comment on our original post?

    "In case you are wondering what Isaac is going to fast-it is playing, cheese, and his new favorite storybook. He is going to pray for Adam and sing to God everytime he wants to play."

    Bless you, Isaac
