Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dinner: Just Believe

In my lunch-time post, I stated my belief in God's faithfulness. Was that a cop out? Was I using misdirection to speak of Adam and belief, but to end it with a belief in God's faithfulness, rather than God's healing of Adam?

The simple answer is....wait, is there a simple answer? I don't know. I lack the wisdom to know if the answer will be simple. What I believe is that a day is coming when Adam will be restored. I believe that God has provided me with this belief. What I cannot pretend to know is when or where.

The "when" might be in another year, like Jason Crigler. It might be sooner, or later.

The "where" might be Boston or it might be in Heaven. I don't know God's plans. I will expand on why I am leaning toward Boston, or another earthly location, rather than Heaven.

First, why did God lead me into this role? I am Adam's uncle. As with other nephews and nieces, there is a family relationship. However, I will be the first to admit that I am not close to Adam. Whether Adam was healthy or ill, happy or sad, doing well at work or struggling (in North Carolina) — I would not know, and it would not affect my life in Oregon. We would simply see each other at family gatherings. So, why would God ask me to start this blog?

The visions. I wrote in my previous post about visions by individuals who do not even know Adam. Two different believers spoke of Adam's healing and even a new ministry being born. Why? Why would people without a "vested interest" be called to speak about or pray for Adam's healing?

There have simply been signs that lead me to believe that Adam will be restored, here on earth. Again, I have no claim to inside information about God's plans, and I could be wrong, but I dare to believe that He has plans for Adam.

"Would you dare,
would you dare to believe

That you still have a
reason to sing?

'Cause the pain
that you've been feeling

It can't compare to
the joy that's coming"
~Before The Morning, Josh Wilson

Mark 5:36

Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Let's pray that neither Adam or his family would be afraid of the future, and continue to pray for both their and our belief in Adam's restoration. And, thank God for providing for Amy and Mackenzie in Boston.

Let's meet, again, later this evening (9:00 p.m.).

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