Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lunch: Be Encouraged

Keep Praying for Adam

I can see it in people's faces. They don't have to say anything (although they do). The more time that passes, the more they wonder how long I will keep going with this weekly day of fasting and prayer. How long will I keep writing this blog? The more time that passes, the more some think I may be wasting my time, a bit kooky, or both! Don't I know that the odds of Adam's recovery is not very good? Am I in denial?

Perhaps you might feel it, too. Either about me, or about yourself. I have only one response — be encouraged! I found the story on last night's post incredibly encouraging. And, if we need a reason to keep praying, read this one verse:

Luke 18:1

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

We will skip the actual parable. The first verse speaks volumes. Jesus tells His disciples that they should always pray and not give up. That's good enough for me! As an exercise in faith, let's all work at memorizing this verse so that we can repeat it when necessary. And, of course, keep praying.

During the lunch break, pray that:

  • Amy and Mackenzie would make a quick and smooth adjustment to a new home town — Boston.
  • God would provide new friendships for Mackenzie that would last a lifetime.
  • Amy and Mackenzie would find a new Church home.
  • God would equip and bless Matt and Shannon as they provide temporary housing for Amy and Mackenzie.
  • Adam would adjust well to new people and his new surroundings at Spaulding.

Let's meet in mid afternoon for a worship song.

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