Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Breakfast: Hear My Cry

Psalm 5:3

1 Listen to my words, LORD,
  consider my lament.
2 Hear my cry for help,
  my King and my God,
  for to you I pray.
3 In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice;
  in the morning I lay my requests before you
  and wait expectantly.

It is morning, and like David, let us lay our requests before God.

According to the notes in my Quest Study Bible, David's reference to morning prayers most likely stresses the urgency of a particular matter. He cannot do anything else in the day until he pleads for God to resolve a troubling problem. I would like to be more like David — not able to do anything else until lifting my prayers up to God.

We will be lifting up our prayers througout the day, yet starting our day with prayer sets the tone with our daily walk with the Lord.

Here are some praises and requests to consider including in your prayers, this morning:

  • Thank God for His grace and mercy
  • Thank God for watching over Adam since his accident
  • Thank God for providing for Amy and Mackenzie
  • Pray for Adam's upcoming surgery, and that he would be comfortable until then
  • Pray that Adam would get good rest at night and not be sleepy during the day
  • Pray that Adam would continue to emerge from his coma
  • Pray that Amy's faith would continue to remain strong

We will meet, again, at lunch time. However, see if you can stop whatever you are doing, at least once between now and lunch, to spend just a few minutes talking with God, reading from the Bible, or meditating on His love for us.

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